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Services Offered At The Lethbridge Naturopathic Medical Clinic:


Intravenous​ Nutrient Therapies

Blood, Urinary and Salivary Testing Lab

We work with numerous Canadian and US Labs.

We offer hormone testing, allergy tests, and

standard blood chemistry testing.

Inhalant and Food Allergy Testing

Massage and Acupuncture

Often, for musculoskeletal concerns,

Acupuncture can be combined with Electro -


Medical Ozone has been recognized a disinfective agent with the ability to transport and release oxygen into surrounding tissues. Medical ozone is used around the world in therapy, post - surgery, gynecology, dermatology, and in many infectious diseases.

Ozone Therapy

EDTA Chelation, DMSA & DMPS

We have over 100 dry herbs that are sold by weight.


We have over 100 dry herbs that are sold by


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